Marketing, Analytics, & SEO

Everything your online store needs for digital marketing

Product Awareness

Many product awareness strategies are available out of the box

Featured & Bestsellers

Market your chosen products as featured whether you’re trying to off load some inventory or truly have a hotcake on your hands.

Automatically show the bestselling products across your store based on either the number of units sold, or the revenue generated for past X days.

Upsell & Cross Sell

On the product page, market other products with better reviews or higher price point such as “What do customers ultimately buy after viewing this item?

If you’re customer is buying bread then it makes sense to cross sell eggs, jams, or butter? Cross sells appear on the cart page giving customer a chance to add additional products.

Related Products

Related Products is one of the marketing tools to offer your customer additional products they may like based on their shopping behavior (viewing a particular product)

Ratings & Reviews

Ratings & Reviews can be enabled for individual products and work as another marketing tool by leveraging feedback from the community. 

On Sale, New Arrivals, & Free Shipping 

Display “On Sale”  or "New" badge to grab attention to a product. Store manager can configure the date range until a product is on sale or considered new.

"Free Shipping" badge grabs attention to products that will ship for free.

Promotions & Discounts

Put your creative marketing hat on and let Vanjaro help you realize your next promotion with its many discounts and coupons strategies.

Fixed vs. Percentage

Discounts can be of a fixed amount or a percentage. A maximum discount amount can be specified if using percentage such as discount 10% up to maximum of $50. Discounts can be scheduled to be active between a date range or automatically expire after a certain date.


Discount can be used unlimited times, limited to N times only, or N times per each customer. Discount can apply to multiple quantities or limited to N quantities only. Discounts can also be combined with other discounts or only the highest discount is applied.

Coupon Codes

Discounts can require coupon codes that customers must use for discount to apply; otherwise, available discounts auto apply.

Discount Types

Discounts can be applied to individual products, categories, manufactures, or to the order total.


One of the most critical feature of your eCommerce site is to provide organic traffic.

Custom, Clean, & Friendly URLs

Custom, Clean, & Friendly URLs for each category, manufacturer, and product. Even customize the URL of specific features of the store such as cart, checkout, wish-list, search, product comparison, and other features.

Meta Tags

Automatically create your meta title and description using a template. Your catalog is now SEO friendly even if the product manager forgets to add SEO meta information. Those who are SEO savvy can always override the template at individual product, category, or manufacturer level.

Structured Data

Improve your overall click-through rate (CTR) by increasing user engagement. Structured Data can enhance your products in search engine results page (SERP) by giving extra details with rich snippets. 

Open Graph Tags

Automatically maps what content shows up when a product is shared on social networks.


Automatically creates a sitemap for all products, categories, and manufacturers.


Native integration with Google Analytics Enhanced eCommerce Tracking

Customer Behavior

Measure customer behavior at every stage – before, during, and after a purchase.

Interactions & Engagements

Monitor customer engagement by tracking product impressions, clicks, cart interactions, checkout initiation, transactions, and refunds.


Detailed reports on average order value, percentage of visitors who added products to cart, conversions, and cart abandonment rates.